When you have the people deciding the direction of ones government, body or organization, when you have people deciding who will be their representative, when you have people deciding who will lead them, you have a democratic system.
Every university has its own student council, body, union (and the list goes on), which basically is a group of students functioning as the voice of the students in the university. They are the bridge between the students and the lecturers and the administration of the university.
Adriano Tawin, 2011 - 2012 Student Council President |
How the student council operates is based on the committee that is in the council as some councils adopt different styles of representations.
In Taylor's ADP, the student council is elected by the students. Every year, students will form parties to run for the spot as the ADP's student council, they will be campaigning, demonstrating and explaining their manifestos to students, and telling people how they will achieve their goals.
This year, there were three parties running for student council; Revolution, B.O.S.S (Body of Student Services) and P.I.E (Personality, Innovation, Empowerment). All three parties were given a week to campaign and on Tuesday (6th of March), the three presidents went on a head to head debate with students and lecturers present to watch.
The panel consisting of the current student council members asking questions to the candidates running |
One of the candidates explaining his answer to a question to the crowd |
The ADP's Presidential Debate provided the opportunity for the presidents to raise issues that are affecting students and at the same time provide their approached towards those issues. It also provide students the chance to ask questions and raise issues that are affecting them as well.
Khaled Amru, Presidential Candidate for P.I.E. |
Khartik Doraisingam, Presidential Candidate for B.O.S.S |
Sheng Hao, Presidential Candidate for REVOLUTION |
The debate ended well with all the presidents manage to answer to most of the issues raised and with the students satisfied with the outcome of the answers and responds.
Mr. Chuah, ADP's Economics lecturer raising a question to the candidates |
Sharman, an International Relations student pointing out a question to one of the candidates. |
The election process is scheduled to take place the next day, 7th of March 2012 from 9am to 11am, followed by the counting of votes later in the evening.
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